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We Produce & Distribute High Quality Press Releases


What Is A Press Release?

A press release is an official statement that generally announces something newsworthy to newspapers, magazines, radio stations, & television stations.

These days organizations sharing a story via press release gain major exposure via search engines & online media outlets engaging the interests of journalists who help the story spread. 

Types Of Press Release

Breaking News Releases

This is used for an announcement that has a hard deadline for breaking news like new music, acquisitions, retirements, or new product announcements. Breaking news releases should only be used when there is actual breaking news in real-time & will be distributed immediately.


Announcing a change to an existing brand. This can be a website facelift, rebranding after an acquisition or merger, refreshing your logo or changing a tagline.

Blog Post Press Release

These are designed to be read by bloggers, not traditional journalists. The product name should appear in bold at the beginning of each paragraph so that bloggers can easily identify it as they scan through looking for relevant stories.

New Product or Service Launches

This is the most common reason for a brand to issue a press release & typically includes what is new & why it matters, best for launching a product or service that has never been done before.

Traditional Press Release

These are becoming increasingly popular. A VNR is essentially just a traditional press release with a video or TV news package attached at the end. The idea is to grab a journalist’s attention & make them more likely to run your story by including the video & pictures they need to tell it. We can distribute your VNR for you not a problem.


A promotion of upcoming events, whether they’re music, conferences, trade shows, fundraisers or anything else. The announcement includes important information about the event, including dates & times.

New Partnerships

Ideally both partners will issue their own press release announcing the same news. This establishes credibility from a third-party source and helps generate additional media coverage.

Video News Releases (VNRs)

These are becoming increasingly popular. A VNR is essentially just a traditional press release with a video or TV news package attached at the end. The idea is to grab a journalist’s attention & make them more likely to run your story by including the video & pictures they need to tell it. We can distribute your VNR for you not a problem.

Product Updates

Announcing an improved product or service with an emphasis on how the product updates benefit consumers or businesses.


How Does A Press Release Work?

We understand when writing a press release, that it should be newsworthy & timely. It also needs to be topical & of interest to the publication’s readership.

The most effective press releases include an attention-grabbing headline that encourages journalists to keep reading, as well as concise body copy which answers all of the questions a journalist might have.

When writing your press release we consider:

What Should A Press Release Contain?

For a press release to be effective, it must contain certain elements that will compel the media to pick it up & spread the word.


We make sure your headline is catchy, captivating, to-the-point & clearly conveys what the story is about. We use keywords that are relevant to search engines so more people can find your press release.


We give a clear description of what your story is about which captures the reader’s interest so they want to keep reading.

Opening Sentence

In the opening sentence we include the who, what, when, where & why of your story.

Body Copy

Using quotes & stats we include body copy which elaborates on all the points raised in the summary & opening sentence.


We include a boilerplate which is basically a short ‘about’ section that includes information about you, your business &/or your services.

What’s The Most Important Thing About A Press Release?

The most important thing about a press release is its content. It’s that simple.

A press release is a communication tool designed to engage journalists & other media professionals by presenting them with an interesting story that they can publish either in print or online.

If the content of your press release isn’t compelling, it will be ignored by members of the working media & if that happens, there’s no point issuing it in the first place.

Creating compelling content requires us to think like a member of the working media. They’re busy people, & they don’t have time to do all the work for you by going through a long press release & turning it into a story themselves. We have to do that for them. So we provide clear facts, information, & make sure it’s easy for them to spot your key messages.


How To Stand Out In The News?

We Keep It Short & Sweet

The idea is to get attention for your announcement, not to do your sales pitch in full detail.

We Demonstrate Your Expertise

We show that you have enough knowledge to make a good assessment of what’s going on in your industry & where the market opportunities are.

We Make It Simple & Clear

We avoid jargon & buzzwords. If people don’t know what you’re talking about when you use a term, they’re not going to understand what you’re saying when you explain it later.

We Offer A Fresh Angle

We Offer an angle that’s unusual or different from other companies in your industry.

Our Packages

Bronze Package

$ 35
  • We write a 400 word Press Release & Distribute it to 10 sites
  • Press Release, Blog & Article sites suited to what you are offering
  • Delivery Within 6 Days
  • 1 Revision
  • Press Release Ideas
  • Write Press Release
  • Format Press Release
  • Submit Press Release
  • Complete Report With Submitted Links

Silver Package

$ 155
  • We write a 400 word Press Release & Submit it to 200+ sites
  • News Outlets suited to what you are offering
  • Delivery Within 6 Days
  • 1 Revision
  • Press Release Ideas
  • Write Press Release
  • Format Press Release
  • Submit Press Release
  • Complete Report With Submitted Links

Gold Package

$ 185
  • We write a 400 word Press Release & Submit it to 300+ sites
  • Premium News Outlets suited to what you are offering
  • Delivery Within 6 Days
  • 1 Revision
  • Press Release Ideas
  • Write Press Release
  • Format Press Release
  • Submit Press Release
  • Complete Report With Submitted Links
Total Clients
Repeat Clients
Press Releases Created
0 +
Client Satisfaction
0 %



You’ll get a 400 word written article plus submissions a High Quality PR distribution network.

These are the news platforms & websites where your Press Release will appear:


We will use our targeting tools to target your best regions & media outlets to achieve your goals.

Yes, we provide a complete report with submitted links. This is a detailed report with live links on 400+ newspapers, TV news websites plus hundreds of blogs & social media platforms.

Yes we can use your own composed work, edit it or compose the whole Press Release for you ourselves.

We just need:

Your website address

The reason for the Press Release

Your news topic to write about

Keywords that you want us to target (words that your prospective audience will type into google search)

The contact info that you want to appear in your Press Release

Any other info relevant about you, your business &/or your services

Yes! It is an essential part of the procedure. We’d hate to misrepresent or misquote you.

Yes, not all topics can be distributed on the release wire. Some of these topics include forex/Crypto trading, pornography, Gambling, Vape related topics, CBD, click-baiting, alcohol/Marijuana etc. We can only write on these topics but not to distribute.